
Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Methodist Church in Fiji and Rotuma

The Conference of the Methodist Church in Fiji and Rotuma in August 2013 endorsed Deaconess Meresiana Kuricava as the Administrator of the Deaconess Order of the Methodist Church in Fiji, a role she has held previously. Congratulations, Meresiana! We continue to pray for the deaconess ministry in Fiji, especially in the challenging physical, social, economic and political context in which ministry is offered.

Deaconess Meresiana Kuricava

Loving God,
provide a voice for our struggles.
Provide extra paddles to bring us together.
Grant peace to our hearts, our ears and our eyes
to forgive and to love our neighbours and our enemies.
O Lord, give us a chance to redeem the Fonua
and to reclaim paradise.

Rev. Valamotu Palu, Fiji
(Ecumenical Prayer Cycle: In God's Hands)

Lord of the Fonua
You have blessed us with the beauty of our lands and sea
You have blessed us with fish, shells and mighty whales
You have blessed us with palms and coconut trees
You have blessed us with children of the Pacific
Glory be to your name, today and forever
Rev. Valamotu Palu, Fiji
(source: Ecumenical Prayer Cycle: In God's Hands)

Church in Fiji department heads will continue in their appointments next year while some changes will be seen at the executive level. Yesterday’s representative session of the Church’s annual conference endorsed the following to continue in their respective posts for the year 2014: -Secretary of the Department of Christian Citizenship and Social Services- Rev Iliesa Naivalu. -Secretary for Lay Pastors, Lay Preachers and Worship- Rev Buisena Ravoka -Secretary of the Department of Methodist Women: Deac- Salanieta Naucabalavu. -Secretary for Education- Rev Josefa Katonibau -Secretary for Non-formal Education- Rev Semisi Turagavou -Principal of the Theological College- Rev Joeli Qionivoka -Principal of the Methodist Lay Training Centre/Secretary of the Department for Young Peoples- Rev Penijamini Masara -Administrator of the Deaconess Order- Deac. Meresiana Kuricava

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Copyright 2013 ©
Church in Fiji department heads will continue in their appointments next year while some changes will be seen at the executive level. Yesterday’s representative session of the Church’s annual conference endorsed the following to continue in their respective posts for the year 2014: -Secretary of the Department of Christian Citizenship and Social Services- Rev Iliesa Naivalu. -Secretary for Lay Pastors, Lay Preachers and Worship- Rev Buisena Ravoka -Secretary of the Department of Methodist Women: Deac- Salanieta Naucabalavu. -Secretary for Education- Rev Josefa Katonibau -Secretary for Non-formal Education- Rev Semisi Turagavou -Principal of the Theological College- Rev Joeli Qionivoka -Principal of the Methodist Lay Training Centre/Secretary of the Department for Young Peoples- Rev Penijamini Masara -Administrator of the Deaconess Order- Deac. Meresiana Kuricava

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Copyright 2013 ©
Church in Fiji department heads will continue in their appointments next year while some changes will be seen at the executive level. Yesterday’s representative session of the Church’s annual conference endorsed the following to continue in their respective posts for the year 2014: -Secretary of the Department of Christian Citizenship and Social Services- Rev Iliesa Naivalu. -Secretary for Lay Pastors, Lay Preachers and Worship- Rev Buisena Ravoka -Secretary of the Department of Methodist Women: Deac- Salanieta Naucabalavu. -Secretary for Education- Rev Josefa Katonibau -Secretary for Non-formal Education- Rev Semisi Turagavou -Principal of the Theological College- Rev Joeli Qionivoka -Principal of the Methodist Lay Training Centre/Secretary of the Department for Young Peoples- Rev Penijamini Masara -Administrator of the Deaconess Order- Deac. Meresiana Kuricava

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Copyright 2013 ©

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